Environmental Policy
We support sustainable logistics, our aim is to support improve our environment.

Spedition (SSL EMEA L.L.C-FZ) acknowledges its responsibility to, and the commercial advantages of, maintaining a sound environmental policy and approach which meets the requirements of the EN ISO 14001:2015. We recognise the importance of, no matter how small, the impact of our activities on the environment and that there is a need to constantly consider ways in which we can conserve energy and minimise waste in all activities that we undertake.In addition to compliance with all relevant legislation and regulations, we endeavour to take positive action in reducing impact on the environment by a measured programme of focused activities.

1. Water Quality and Consumption

We are focussed on using water more efficiently. We believe it is imperative to do our part to ensure water is available for local communities as well as our business that’s why we are committed to reducing our water use.

2. Air Pollution / Global warming

It is our goal to reduce the CO2 per km related to our own company car vehicle fleetas well as positively discriminate the Suppliers with an environmental certificate orenvironmentally friendly policy and equipment (Truck Engine type) where possiblefrom a commercial point of view, and in line with our customers’ requirements.

3. Waste Management

It is our policy to work with our staff and suppliers to ensure that all waste is disposedof in line with legal and environmental requirements.

4. Recycling and use of Recycling Materials

To utilise and promote the use of, recycled materials whenever possible, ensuring thatmaterials are disposed of in an environmentally safe manner at the end of their usefullife.

5. Energy Conservation

To manage electricity supplies to ensure minimum consumption through energyefficient initiatives. It is our policy to make efficient use of natural light within ourbuilding and to conserve energy by adopting an ‘only’ turn on when using’ approachto equipment.

6. Site Maintenance

To effectively manage our site within our limitations to conduct environmentalawareness and maintain safe environmental practices.

7. Environmental Management Awareness

To raise and maintain a high level of understanding of, and participation in,environmental best practices by all staff and suppliers.